Humming for water is a participatory art form inspired by Chinese TaoTea Ceremony , in honor of wisdom of water.

〰️ 2024.08.11. heARTECHfest

〰️ 2024.08.11. heARTECHfest

In 2022, a profound journey unfolded on the Ibiza islands. Guided by the wisdom of 106-year-old Koggi Mama Louis and supported by H4W, a group of wisdom keepers embarked on a sacred mission. They performed Pagamento and unity ceremonies at vital energetic points across the islands, planting "seeds of water" in the soil of properties owned by those who embraced their roles as guardians of land and water.

Ibiza, known for its healing touch, now calls for support in its self-healing. Addressing its ecological challenges requires a holistic approach, blending sacred practices with practical technological solutions. As the Daodejing teaches: The dao is great, heaven is great, the earth is great, and the divine human is also great. It reminds us that while nature's power is vast, human effort and responsibility are crucial. Monthly H4W TaoTea ceremonies honor ancient Chinese wisdom and ancestral power, reminding us of our duty to nurture both the seen and unseen aspects of our natural resources. Confluence Gatherings curated by heARTechlab blend sacred and practical practices, inspire to empower innovative solutions applied with ancient wisdom to protect cultural and natural diversity of the land.